
ARP攻击之Kali Linux局域网断网攻击

ARP攻击之Kali Linux局域网断网攻击


Special statement:
The purpose of our study of cyber security technology should be to maintain the security of the cyber world and protect the private information of ourselves and others from being illegally stolen and disseminated. Please comply with your local laws. Do not take advantage of the relevant technology introduced in this article to do anything that deviates from morality or against the law.

在这里,作为攻击者的计算机使用的是安装在VMware Workstation中的Kali Linux,我们需要在虚拟机的设置中将Kali的联网方式改成“桥接模式”,并且不要勾选“复制物理网络连接状态”。



ettercap -G #打开Ettercap的GUI界面

依次点击“Sniff(嗅探) -> Unified sniffing(统一嗅探)”,之后弹出如下界面让选择进行扫描的网络接口(Network interface)这里我们使用默认的eth0端口。点击“OK”。之后依次点击“Hosts(主机) -> Scan for hosts(扫描主机)”。
这时会出现一个进度条,等待进度条结束,依次点击“Hosts -> Hosts list(主机列表)”即可显示本机所在局域网中除本机之外,当前已连接至网络的设备的IP地址和MAC地址。


我们使用Kali Linux中的Arpspoof进行ARP攻击。


 ping www.baidu.com



 arpspoof [-i interface] [-c own|host|both] [-t target] [-r] host
 arpspoof -i eth0 -t


 ping www.baidu.com




Ettercap0.8.2的帮助信息(命令ettercap -help):

 ettercap 0.8.2 copyright 2001-2015 Ettercap Development Team

 Usage: ettercap [OPTIONS] [TARGET1] [TARGET2]

 TARGET is in the format MAC/IP/IPv6/PORTs (see the man for further detail)

 Sniffing and Attack options:
-M, --mitm <METHOD:ARGS>    perform a mitm attack
 -o, --only-mitm             don't sniff, only perform the mitm attack
-b, --broadcast             sniff packets destined to broadcast
-B, --bridge <IFACE>        use bridged sniff (needs 2 ifaces)
-p, --nopromisc             do not put the iface in promisc mode
-S, --nosslmitm             do not forge SSL certificates
-u, --unoffensive           do not forward packets
-r, --read <file>           read data from pcapfile <file>
-f, --pcapfilter <string>   set the pcap filter <string>
-R, --reversed              use reversed TARGET matching
-t, --proto <proto>         sniff only this proto (default is all)
  --certificate <file>    certificate file to use for SSL MiTM
  --private-key <file>    private key file to use for SSL MiTM

User Interface Type:
-T, --text                  use text only GUI
   -q, --quiet                 do not display packet contents
   -s, --script <CMD>          issue these commands to the GUI
-C, --curses                use curses GUI
-D, --daemon                daemonize ettercap (no GUI)
-G, --gtk                   use GTK+ GUI

Logging options:
-w, --write <file>          write sniffed data to pcapfile <file>
-L, --log <logfile>         log all the traffic to this <logfile>
-l, --log-info <logfile>    log only passive infos to this <logfile>
-m, --log-msg <logfile>     log all the messages to this <logfile>
-c, --compress              use gzip compression on log files

Visualization options:
-d, --dns                   resolves ip addresses into hostnames
-V, --visual <format>       set the visualization format
-e, --regex <regex>         visualize only packets matching this regex
-E, --ext-headers           print extended header for every pck
-Q, --superquiet            do not display user and password

LUA options:
  --lua-script <script1>,[<script2>,...]     comma-separted list of LUA scripts
  --lua-args n1=v1,[n2=v2,...]               comma-separated arguments to LUA script(s)

General options:
-i, --iface <iface>         use this network interface
-I, --liface                show all the network interfaces
-Y, --secondary <ifaces>    list of secondary network interfaces
-n, --netmask <netmask>     force this <netmask> on iface
-A, --address <address>     force this local <address> on iface
-P, --plugin <plugin>       launch this <plugin>
-F, --filter <file>         load the filter <file> (content filter)
-z, --silent                do not perform the initial ARP scan
-6, --ip6scan               send ICMPv6 probes to discover IPv6 nodes on the link
-j, --load-hosts <file>     load the hosts list from <file>
-k, --save-hosts <file>     save the hosts list to <file>
-W, --wifi-key <wkey>       use this key to decrypt wifi packets (wep or wpa)
-a, --config <config>       use the alterative config file <config>

Standard options:
-v, --version               prints the version and exit
-h, --help                  this help screen

文章作者: Ming xin
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 Ming xin !